Tattoos 79

Tattoos are rising in popularity and becoming more mainstream, much to the dismay of tattoo fans worldwide. With the number of people seeking plastic surgery on the rise, body art and body modifications, such as tattoos and piercings, are now commonplace. Tattoos can now be found on the bodies of everyone from fashion conscious teenagers to grandmas and everyone in between.

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With the increase in the number of people getting tattoos, the only way to look different is to carry a truly unique tattoo style. This is the reason why more and more people are seeking unique tattoo designs. A unique tattoo design will make one truly stand out and attract a considerable amount of attention from others, either admiration or disgust, depending on the kind of reaction you are after. While some choose more abstract tattoo designs, using a well known mythical creature in your tattoo is one way of getting something unique while allowing people to instantly recognize your tattoo design. Believe it or nor, instant recognition of your tattoo is a good thing because people will perceive the qualities attributed to the mythical creature to the person wearing it. For example, a young woman with a fairy tattoo on her lower back will attract the attention of men who will attribute the qualities of a fairy to her and will believe her to be exciting and spontaneous even before they speak to her! Such is the power of tattoos of mythical beings.

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