Above: A Photoshop artist's freaky Mona Lisa
Creepy Nazi Boy
There's something innately disturbing about an evil child, isn't there? Children are supposedly innocent, carefree and a little naive, but this kid is far from innocent, with his shaved head, mono brow, goatee and tattoo. He looks like he could be the son of Hitler.

Photoshopped Mouth-Eyed Doll
While we're on the subject of all things sweet and innocent... Dolls are meant to be so sweet that they hurt your cute tooth, yet this doll just gives me the heebie jeebies. Imagine a creepy, horror movie doll laugh coming from three little freaky mouths all at the same time. Ack.
My Girlfriend's a Robot
You thought your girlfriend was human, right? Think again - all women are emissaries of the intergalactic robot overlord, Zorg. We're here to eat your brains...
Southern Joker
"Why so serious?"

What Lies Beneath
Because inside every woman is, well, muscle, flesh and bone, right?
Horror Bush
George Bush gets a face lift, courtesy of Photoshop image manipulation.

Just Clownin' Around
Clowns are pretty freaky, even on a good day, but this Photoshop painting, by artist Anton Semenov, shows what happens when these entertainers go clown crazy.
World War Two's Auschwitz Camp
Another picture from the gallery of Anton Semenov, depicting Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners during the holocaust. The skeletal nature of the subjects, along with their blank, staring eyes, emphasizes the horror that Holocaust victims must have endured.
Mother's Little Treasure
Because Rowan Atkinson has been precious since birth. Imagine a mother's horror when he opens his mouth and instead of crying, says, "I am the devil, but you can me Toby."
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